The Library Board of Trustees are looking to fill an open board seat.
Now Accepting Applications
Want to become a Library Trustee and Join the SMRLD Board of Directors?
The Six Mile Regional Library District Board of Trustees is seeking candidates to fill a vacancy on our seven-member Board, which sets the library’s tax levy, budget, and library policies. (75 ILCS 16/30-55)
Candidates may be selected to be interviewed by the Board. The appointment of the individual chosen starts January 9, 2024, and runs through April 2025. The position will be up for election during the general consolidated election process in the spring of 2025 to complete the remaining four-year term (through April 2029). At this time, the Board prefers to appoint candidates who seriously consider running for election in 2025.
Responsibilities and Duties
- Attend Board meetings (second Tuesday each month, 6:00 PM)
- Preview the agenda, minutes and documents before each meeting
- Participate in discussion and decision making at each meeting
- Commit time outside of meetings for the work of the Board
- Be knowledgeable about the goals, plans, history, and future of the library
- Represent the library at community events, be visible and accessible
- Have a sincere commitment to the purpose and mission of the library
- Be informed about library issues through state and national library organizations
- Be an advocate for the library community
Eligibility and Qualifications
- Qualified elector/registered voter residing in the library district (62040) for at least one year
- Must be current in the payment of property taxes and not indebted to the library
- May not have been convicted of a felony (75 ILCS 16/30-20, d & e)
- Relevant professional, volunteer, or board experience
- Knowledge of community interests
Submit your application, letter of interest, and resume/cv via email to (preferred) or hand deliver to 2001 Delmar Avenue, by Monday, November 6, 2023, 3:00 PM.
The resume/cv provides the following information: schools/degrees attained/year of graduation; present occupation & employer/# of years with this employer (previous if retired); current and past board, civic, and other volunteer/community activities.
SMRLD Board Application-FILLABLE
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