Week of Events
S.T.E.A.M. Take Home Kits
S.T.E.A.M. Take Home Kits Science Technology Engineering Arts Math December: Salt Crystal Snowflakes January: Thaumatropes February: Slime For Grades 2-6 Pick up a kit with supplies and instructions at either library location while supplies last. Questions? Email [email protected] or call the Youth Services department at 618-452-6238 ext 720
Thinking Money for Kids Storytimes
Thinking Money for Kids Storytimes
Thinking Money for Kids Storytimes 10 AM at SMRLD, 2145 Johnson Rd January 6 - Currency Conga: Learn to Identify Money January 13 - Piggy Bank Theater: Learn the difference between Spend & Save January 27 - Special Guest: Stephanie Bevely from the IL State Treasurer's Office In partnership with FINRA and ALA Explore, Learn, Succeed!
Story Time
Story Time
Story Time Enjoy stories, music, and crafts! Mondays at 10 AM SMRLD, 2145 Johnson Rd Questions? Email [email protected] or call the Youth Services department at 618-452-6238 ext 720
Legos Come Build with Us! Every Tuesday 4 - 7 PM In the Children's Department, 2001 Delmar Ave Questions? Email [email protected] or call the Youth Services department at 618-452-6238 ext 720